Counselling for Teenagers and Young People – Some Advice

Young people come to counselling for a lot of reasons, sometimes it’s their decision for the majority it’s a decision that’s been made for them by adults. In contrast, in my private practice, adult clients make their own choices. They might have looked at several counsellor profiles online and done some research about what kind modality of therapy they feel … Read More


There is quite a lot of talk around self-acceptance in counselling, whether that be in conversations with clients or in determining the theoretical underpinnings of the therapy itself. This is often regarded as an “easier said than done” sort of idea. My intention here is both to affirm how true that is, maybe give some insight into why and put … Read More

Recognition of mental health issues

Lately, there seems to be an increased recognition of mental illness. While the stigma surrounding it remains it seems that more and more people are recognising it as a part of our society where in the past it had been banished completely to the margins. While this move seems important, I think it also might finally raise a question which … Read More

Person-centred counselling

Walking into a counsellor’s room takes courage. If it’s your first time you might not know what to expect and that unknown quantity can start the adrenalin pumping. If you have been to counselling before then you know from experience not to expect a cosy chat over a cup of tea. At the very least, whatever your previous experience, you … Read More